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Institute of Public Finance

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Estimating the size of non-observed economy in Croatia using the MIMIC approach

Vjekoslav Klarić

This paper gives a quick overview of the approaches that have been used in the research of shadow economy, starting with the definitions of the terms "shadow economy" and "non-observed economy", with the accent on the ISTAT/Eurostat framework. Several methods for estimating the size of the shadow economy and the non-observed economy are then presented. The emphasis is placed on the MIMIC approach, one of the methods used to estimate the size of the nonobserved economy. After a glance at the theory behind it, the MIMIC model is then applied to the Croatian economy. Considering the described characteristics of different methods, a previous estimate of the size of the non-observed economy in Croatia is chosen to provide benchmark values for the MIMIC model. Using those, the estimates of the size of non-observed economy in Croatia during the period 1998-2009 are obtained.

Keywords:  non-observed economy, shadow economy, Croatia, MIMIC

Year:  2011   |   Volume:  35   |   Issue:  1   |   Pages:  59 - 90

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 March, 2011
I / 2011
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757
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