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Institute of Public Finance

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Tax expenditures in Croatia

Vjekoslav Bratić, Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb, Croatia
Ivica Urban, Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb, Croatia

The tax system of the Republic of Croatia contains a large number of very diverse kinds of tax expenditures whose the declared aim is to achieve certain social and economic objectives. This paper considers all the items that constitute tax expenditures in Croatia, within the systems of the personal income tax, corporate income tax, and real estate transfer tax and value added tax. The objective of the article is to determine the real level of tax expenditures per form of tax in the 2001-2004 period. We hypothesised that the tax expenditures in the analysed forms of tax are both high and growing, which was ultimately borne out, for almost all the analysed items in the tax forms considered are growing.

Keywords:  tax expenditures, personal income tax, corporate income tax, real estate transfer tax and value added tax.

Year:  2006   |   Volume:  30   |   Issue:  2   |   Pages:  129 - 195

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 June, 2006
II / 2006
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757
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