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Institute of Public Finance

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Dividends Provisions in Croatian Double Taxation Agreements

Marjeta Tomulić Vehovec, Faculty of Law, Rijeka, Croatia

This paper analyzes the provisions concerning dividends in the double taxation avoidance agreements concluded by the Republic of Croatia. Since the base for taxation is necessarily laid down in domestic law, Croatian legislation is examined as well. The author primarily discusses dividends provisions in four agreements signed with Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Slovenia, in addition to analyzing the differences from and similarities with the OECD Model Convention. Second, the paper briefly explains the methods for eliminating double taxation on income from dividends. Finally, it addresses the changes necessary for accession to the European Union.

Keywords:  dividends, taxation, double taxation, double taxation agreements, OECD Model Convention, Croatia

Year:  2007   |   Volume:  31   |   Issue:  1   |   Pages:  27 - 57

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 March, 2007
I / 2007
EBSCO Publishing
ISSN 1846-887X
e-ISSN 1845-9757